Java, JSP, Servlet, JavaScript, JQuery
Project Info:
Project Name: 54STROKES
Project Start Date: 2017-06-08
Project End Date: 2017-07-04
Project Duration: 25 Business Days
Technologies Used

About Project
54STROKES is a web platform (100% in the Internet Cloud) which provides an integral site for all your Golf Tournaments, where each tournament can have a different design or own and where the management of each one Starts from the administration of the pre-registrations and inscriptions, through generation of outputs, printing of scorecards, a simple capture of results, automatic application and presentation of your live scoring web, formalization of results, automated notifications and automatic generation Statistics… all in one continuous cycle for each round of play in each of your golf tournaments.

- Departures: Generate and publish in minutes the tee times for all your categories taking advantage of our dynamic system to calculate them.
- Scorecards and Captures: Automatically generate and in seconds all the necessary scorecards for the outputs of each of your rounds.
- Results: Determine and reorder (if necessary) our automatic results system, the final results at the discretion of your rules for each of your tournaments.

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